Contact Me To contact Madeleine The Magician by email please fill out the form below: Name*Email*Phone*Location of Show*Type of Function*BirthdayBar MitzvahBat MitzvahCommunionConfirmationChristeningBaptismWeddingAnniversaryReunionCorporate FunctionOffice PartyOtherAge of Birthday Boy/Girl*Other Type of Function*Approximate Number of Guests*Age Range of Guests*Do not include the Adults if it is a Child's birthday partyPerformance Length*1 Hour1.5 Hours2 Hours2.5 Hours3 Hours3.5 Hours4 Hours4.5 Hours5 HoursLonger than 5 HoursDate* MM slash DD slash YYYY Additional InformationWould you like to recieve emails form me in the future?* Yes No PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ